W artykule przedstawiono sposób finansowania gmin w Republice Federalnej Niemiec, traktowany tu jako model „lidera" lub wzór dla gmin polskich. Na tym tle omawiana jest struktura finansowania Obszaru Metropolitalnego Warszawy, wielkość i charakter własności środków trwałych w stolicy oraz nakłady inwestycyjne. Autor sugeruje, że w skali całego kraju przyjęty został niewłaściwy model „lidera" (tzw. anglo-amerykański), co rzutuje negatywnie na funkcjonowanie i rozwój OMW.
The development of Metropolitan Warsaw (MW) depends on the size and structure of funds for municipal investment projects. The author presents the ways of funding communities in the Federal German Republic, assuming that it is a pattern (the so-called "leader model") for Poland, including MW. Comparison of the community revenue structures in the two countries indicates that in Poland a high proportion of them is the real estate tax. In the capital the proportion of this tax is lower than the national average. It is a result of unregulated property relations, blocked privatization of the municipal property and rejection of all forms of privatization. Within MW, the fixed assets which belong to the public sector (state-owned and municipal) account for 80.9% of their total value. The gross domestic product in this sector was 56.5% and employment was 52.3% of the total. At the same time, the wear and tear rate of machinery and equipment was 68.7%. This indicates that our reality does not correspond to the "leader model", for the latter is characterized by the spread of private capital ownership and a well-developed middle class. In MW, which reflects like a lens all the features of Polish capitalism, another model, the so- called Anglo-American one, is gaining an upper hand. It is characterized by a dispersed equity market, favouring the development of the managerial caste and the growth of the economic bureaucracy. In the Polish situation - with excessive taxes, the superfluous and expensive overexapansion of this sphere and the domination of public enterprises with extensive production and depreciated equipment - the choice of this model threatens permanent economic stagnation, and not only in the capital.