Identity of reproductive material is essential in artificial forest regeneration. Legal regulations cannot guarantee proof of identity. State and private organizations have been cooperating to develop a seed certification scheme in forestry. Representative samples of forest reproductive material are taken at any production stage starting at the time of seed collection through to plant delivery as well as at time of changing ownership.The first sample at the time of seed harvest is used to determine the maximum potential yield of living germinants from the total collection. Furhtermore this and the other samples are tested randomly at a determined level of intensity or in case of doubt by Isozyme/DNA methods. Sampling techniques have been tested and described in a handbook. The biochemical-genetic tests are being standardized for all major commercial species. Forest reproductive material having been sampled in the described way will be certified "of provable identity" by a neutral agency. The Scheme will be open to anyone complying with the rules laid down. Larger forest owners have confirmed to preferably purchase "forest plants of provable identity".