W pracy Autorzy podjęli się oceny podaży tego pierwiastka w tygodniowych jadłospisach ludzi otyłych oraz korelacji mie˛dzy zawartos´cia˛ chromu w spoz˙ywanych produktach i potrawach a poziomem glukozy, cholesterolu całkowitego, LDL-cholesterolu, HDL-cholesterolu i triglicerydów w surowicy krwi badanych. Średnia podaż chromu w diecie osób otyłych była zadowalająca, budziły zastrzeżenia indywidualne przypadki niskiego spożycia chromu, zwłaszcza u kobiet.
One hundred of random-selected patients seeking medical advice for the treatment of overweight or obesity were enlisted in the study. Since organic chromium has been increasingly used as a weightreduction enhancing element, it seems interesting to find out whether dietary intakes of organic chromium in obese people are low, and thus whether dietary supplementation of those people with organic chromium would be advisable (the subjects had never taken organic chromium). The 24-recall 70 L. Ostrowska i inni Nr 1 during the week preceding the treatment was used to assess the diets. Selected biochemical indices of blood (glucose, cholesterol fractions) were also determined. The subjects were classified into patients with type II diabetes and those treated for lipid disorders. It has been shown that chromium supply was higher in the obese diabetic patients than in the obese patients without the diabetes (p = 0.0167), while it was lower in the obese patients with hyperlipidaemia (difference statistically insignificant). No significant correlations were observed between chromium levels in the patients’ diet and the level of glucose or individual cholesterol or triglyceride fractions in blood serum. Mean dietary supply of the chromium ranged from 25.5 μg/24 h to 250.3 μg/24 h in the women, and from 55.6 μg/24 h to 109.5 μg/24 h in the men, suggesting that indications for chromium supplementation should be handled individually for each case and that, therefore, additional monitoring is required.