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2001 | 04 | 1 |

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Impact of dimetiphine, etephon and diquat on the health status of white lupin seeds [Lupinus albus L.]

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The research investigated the seeds of Bardo traditional cultivar, and R-141 self-completing white lupin cultivar. Over 1996-1998, once the seeds reached their physiological maturity, the plants were treated with Harvade 250 SC (dimetiphine), Ethrel (etephon), plant growth regulators and Reglone (diquat), a desiccant. Seeds harvested from plants whose sowing material was vernalised and two-stage harvest seeds constituted objects 4 and 5. The seeds collected each year were divided into two categories based on a visual healthy and infected selection. The share of the latter group in the seed yield of both two-stage harvested cultivars was highest, while having applied Ethrel (Bardo) and Harvade (R-141) as well as following seed vernalisation (both cultivars), the share turned out lower. R-141 self-completing yield included significantly fewer seeds with fungal infection symptoms than the Bardo traditional cultivar.








Opis fizyczny


  • University of Technology and Agriculture, Kordeckiego 20, 85-225 Bydgoszcz, Poland


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