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Konarek tajgowy Phryganophilus ruficollis [Fabricius, 1798] [Coleoptera: Melandryidae] w Polsce

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Phryganophilus ruficollis [Fabricius, 1798] [Coleoptera: Melandryidae] in Poland

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Podsumowano wiedzę o konarku tajgowym Phryganophilus ruficollis, kładąc nacisk na rozmieszczenie w Polsce, biologię, monitoring oraz problemy ochrony. To gatunek wskaźnikowy dla obszarów Natura 2000, chroniony w Polsce, relikt lasów pierwotnych. Na podstawie okazów muzealnych podano stanowiska z Chorwacji, Ukrainy i Polski oraz szczegółowo przedstawiono współczesne informacje o występowaniu na terenie Puszczy Białowieskiej. Opisano i zilustrowano wygląd larw i imagines, dokonano pomiarów wielkości ciała chrząszczy (długość 10,9–17,4 mm). Gatunek ten występuje w Puszczy Białowieskiej w borach mieszanych Calamagrostio-Piceetum oraz w grądach Tilio-Carpinetum, preferuje naturalne lasy z dużym udziałem martwego drewna. Stwierdzono rozwój jego larw w mocno rozłożonej (zgnilizna biała), wilgotnej kłodzie świerka. Opisano dzienną aktywność imagines w okresie 24 V–14 VII. Przedstawiono założenia monitoringu tego gatunku, skupiającego się głównie na ocenie jakości siedliska. Omówiono zagrożenia dla stabilności populacji, a także sformułowano listę postulatów ochronnych, z których główne to: zachowanie miejsc rozwoju (konieczność pozostawienia grubowymiarowego martwego drewna) i tworzenie rezerwatów faunistycznych
Based on own data and literature the state of knowledge on Phryganophilus ruficollis is reviewed, with special reference to its distribution in Poland, biology, ecology, monitoring and problems of protection. This is a high-priority (code: *4021) indicator-species for the Natura 2000 areas, protected in Poland since 2001. Considered to represent a relic of primaeval forests, despite wide (from Japan through Siberia to southern Europe) distribution in Palaearctis, it is everywhere a great faunistic rarity, in many countries totally extinct. Historical localities from Croatia (Sljeme, 1900), Ukraine (ad Koziatyn, 1913) and Poland (Ustroń, 1939) are given according to specimens from museum collections; recent informations on the occurrence in the Białowieża Primeval Forest – the only area in Poland where the species currently lives – are presented in detail. Since 2000, when the first two specimens were discovered (Borowski 2001, Borowski, Węgrzynowicz 2001, Byk 2001), altogether 18 imagines and 3 larvae have been found there. Larvae (Fig. 2) and imagines (Fig. 1) are described or presented on photographs; measurements of the length of body, elytra and pronotum, as well as width of body (n=9) is given; the occurrence of sexual dimorphism is noticed. Body length (Tab. 1) varies between 10.9 and 17.4 mm. (13.8 mm. on the average, with female somewhat smaller than males: 13.3 vs. 14.0 mm., respectively). In the Białowieża Primeval Forest the species inhabits moderately moist mixed coniferous forests (Calamagrostio-Piceetum – Fig. 4) and mixed lime-hornbeam forest (Tilio-Carpinetum), preferring natural habitats with large quantity of dead wood: in the localities inhabited by Phryganophilus ruficollis up to 27 fallen trunks has been found along 100 m. transect. We observed the development of larvae in a strongly decomposed (white rot), damp, ca. 30 cm. thick log of Picea abies. Imagines, whose presence was ascertained from 24 V to 14 VII, showed diurnal activity. Preliminary proposals for monitoring of the species are outlined and difficulties (issuing from its rarity, elusive way of life and deficient knowledge of biology and ecology) signalized. Examination of fallen logs for preimaginal instars has proven ineffective (even in places where the species does with certainty occur) and so not appropriate for monitoring – the more so that such analyses destroy its habitat. The authors suggest to focus on the evaluation of the quality of the biotope (non-destructive methods) rather than on search for preimaginal or imaginal stages (methods partly destructive): in face of the rarity and low abundance of the species, collecting of specimens should be kept at the minimum. The proposed indices of the state of environment include: structure and species-composition of the tree stand in and near the locality, age of trees, abundance of dead wood, its quality and spectrum of species, occurrence of traces of fire back to 25 years, presence of frutifications of the fungi generating the white rotting of wood. The index of the population-state is the presence of imagines, which could be detected using barrier-traps or by direct visual search. Threats to stability of the population of this species are discussed on the example of Białowieża Primeval Forest, proposed is also a list of protective postulates. It is pointed out that the protection of P. ruficollis must consist of the protection of its habitat (the necessity to retain coarse dead wood), whereas in the localities of known occurrence faunistic reservations should be set up








Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Badawczy Lesnictwa, ul.Park Dyrekcyjny 6, 17-230 Bialowieza


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