In order to estimate sorption properties of gypsic rendzinas from the Niecka Nidziańska area as well as compare a composition of exchangeable cations in arable and turf soils 24 profiles have been investigated which represented following subtypes: initial, proper, chernozemic and brown ones, and derived from 3 types of miocene gypsum: selenite, shaly and compact gypsum. On the basis of the investigations it has been found that sorption properties of gypsic rendzinas were formed under influence of lithological factor and depend on the activity of the parent rock which is expressed by a content of the active calcium in the rock. Humous horizons of the arable soils characterised of a slightly lower complex exchange capacity and a higher contribution of potassium and magnesium in the composition of exchangeable ions in comparison with analogous horizons of the turf soils. A content of exchangeable cations permitted to count investigated soils among the soils with saturated complex of exchangeable cations. In their complex dominated calcium and the contribution of acid cations was small.