Analizowano spożycie witamin A, E, Bu B% C i niacyny w racjach pokarmowych diety zwyczajowej u osób ze wskaźnikiem masy ciała (BMI) powyżej 25 kg/m oraz dokonano oceny realizacji zaleceń diety niskoenergetycznej (1000 kcal). Stwierdzono, iż po zastosowaniu diety niskoenergetycznej spożycie witamin bylo niższe w porównaniu z dietą zwyczajową. Niższe spożycie związane było z niecałkowitym dostosowaniem się pacjentów do zalecanej diety.
Dietary modification is indispensable part of obesity treatment. Purpose: Assessment of vitamins supply in overweight and obese adults in habitual diet and during consuming a low-energy diet (about 1000 kcal/d). The studied group consisted of 67 women and 29 men, aged 20-68, with BMI above 25 kg/m2. Dietary assessment were carried out by 24-hours dietary recall. Intake of vitamin A, E, B1, B2, C, PP were evaluated. At baseline in men the lowest intake was found for vitamin A - 87,6% of RDA, in women for vitamin Bi - 82,8% of RDA and for vitamin PP - 90,2% of RDA, respectively. Low percentage of participants met the requirements for assessed vitamins. After 18 weeks of the low-energy diet the mean supply of assessed nutrients was below RDA. Only in subjects with baseline intake covering the requirement supply of nutrients on the low-energy diet was above the RDA level. Implementation of the low-energy diet can resulted in mean low supply of assessed vitamins. It is necessary to provide information for patients on energy value as well as nutritional value of food products. Subjects need consistent evaluation of realization of the low-energy diet.