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2001 | 50 |

Tytuł artykułu

The structure of the land covering of Zutica Forest, Croatia


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This paper presents pedological research in Žutica forest in northern Croatia. The most common soil types found in this area belong to the hydromorphic class (Pseudogley, pseudo- gley-gley, eugley, fluvisol) except technogenic soils formed as a result of intensive oil exploitation. Some main chemical and physical characteristics of soils are given. For forest productivity the most productive combination of soils are hypogley and pseudogley-gleysol and minimal productivity is in heavy amphygleic soils. An increase of heavy metals occurs in flooded soils in Žutica from nearby agricultural land. A high concentration of active phosphorus,and nitrogen can verify the influence of field fertilisers on the forest. Levels of cadmium found in technogenic soils exceed the permitted concentration. A large amount of CaCO3 in relation to natural forest soils can be found in technogenic soils because of quick lime disposal after oil spills and also pH increase and a nutrition and humus decrease.







Opis fizyczny



  • Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko, Cvjetno naselje 41, Jastrebarsko 10450, Croatia


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