The PSE (pale, soft, exudative) and DFD (dark, firm, dry) syndromes were determined in 200 pigs and 201 slaughter cattle originated from the Lublin region. There were estimated pH1, pH24 and R index; besides, there were calculated a correlation between the pH1 measurements and R index and the size of carcasses. Qualitative PSE and DFD deviations were found in 133 pigs, i.e. in 66.5 per cent of the animals under study; in 61.5 per cent there were found distinct or partial PSE changes, while in 5 per cent the lesions of the DFD type. The changes of this type were also observed in 42.5 per cent of cattle, in 34 per cent the lesions were of the PSE type and in 8.5 per cent of the DFD type. The highest susceptibility to myopathy concerned m. semitendinosus, then m. semimembranosus and m. longissimus p. lumborum. In cattle myopathy was stated most often in m. psoas major and then in m. longissimus p. lumborum in which the DFD syndrome took place in most cases. There was found a significant correlation between pH1 and the size of carcasses.