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Valid and invalid nomenclature of living and fossil deer, Cervidae


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Investigation of cervid nomenclature has revealed unavailable or preoccupied names still in use; unnoticed or unevaluated homonymy; unused or unnoticed names, including senior synonyms; unnoticed or misidentified types of genera; miscited authorship; unjustified emendations of original spelling; and corrections of nomenclatural errors that have been neglected in subsequent literature. The following names appearing in recent literature are affected: Pliocervinae Khomenko, Neocervinae, Gervulinae (unavailable names); Capreoiinae, Atceinae. Rangiferinae (attributable to Brookes, 1828, not to authors who changed their rank or corrected original speiling; take precedence over Odocoileinae when the taxa are combined, contrary to common practice); Alcinae (emendation due to Blyth, not Jerdon, now superseded by Alceinae, with priority over Rangiferinae - where relevant - here designated); Muntiacinae (author is Knottnerus-Meyer, 1907, not Pocock, 1923; Elaphodinae here designated a junior synonym); Megacerinae Viret (preoccupied by Megaloceridae Brookes, emended to Megalocerotinae); Blastocerus Wagner (an available name of which Blastóceras Fitzinger is an unjustified emendation, not a senior synonym of Ozoloceras; lectotype confirmed to he C'emus paludosas Desmarest, 1822); Dorcetaphus (junior synonym of Odocoileus, not a senior synonym of Blastocerus)', Mazama goitazoubira, Muntiacus feat, Pudu pudu {unjustified emendations); Ceruus japonicus Otsuka, 1967 (preoccupied, new name proposed); Ceruus elaphus montanus Botezat, 1903 (mimen nudum and preoccupied); and Pseudodama (preoccupied by Metaceruocerus),

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  • Blyth E. 1863. Catalogue of the mammalia in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The Asiatic Society, Calcutta: 1-187 + i-xiii.
  • Botezat E. 1903. Gestaltung und Klassifikation der Geweihe des Edelhirsches, nebst einem Anhange über die Stärke der Karpathenhirsche und die zwei Rassen dersleben. Gegcnbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch 32: 104-158,
  • Brooke V. 1878. On the classification of the Cervidae, with a synopsis of the existing species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1878: 83-928.
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  • Fitzinger L. J. 1873. Die Gattungen der Familie der Hirsche (Cervi) nach ihrer natürlichen Verwandt­schaft. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akadamie der Wissenschaften, Wien 68(1): 332-362.
  • Fitzinger L. J. 1879. Kritische Untersuchungen über die Arten der natürlichen Familie der Hirsche (Cervi). Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akadamie der Wissenschaften, Wien 78(1 J: 301-376.
  • Flerov K, K. 1952. Fauna SSSR. Mlekopitayushchie. Kabargi i oleni. Akademia Nauk SSSR, Moscow. [Translated in 1960 as Fauna of USSR. Mammals. Musk deer and deer. The Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Washington D.C.: 1-257],
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  • Gloger C. W. L. 1841. Gemeinnußiges Hand- und HilTshuch der Naturgeschichte. Aug, Schulz & Comp., Breslau: i-xxxxiv + 1-495,
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  • Gray J. E. 1866. On the long-eared or mule deer of North America (Euceruus). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 18(3): 338-339.
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  • Gray J. E. 1873. Handlist of the edentate, thick-skinned and ruminant mammals in the British Museum. British Museum, London: i-vii + 1-176.
  • Gromova V. I. 1962. Order Artiodactyla, I In : Mlekopitayushchie. Osnovy Paleontologii. Vol. 13. V. I Gromova, edl. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow: 337-410.
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  • Grubb P. 1977. Notes on a rare deer, Muntiacus feai. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale de Genova 81: 202-207.
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  • Gustafson E. P. 1985. Antlers of Bretzia and Odocoileus (Mammalia, Cervidae) and the evolution of New World deer. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 13: 87-92.
  • Hamilton Smith C. 1827. The seventh order of the Mammalia. The Ruminantia. [In: The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization, by the Baron Cuvier ... E. Griffith, C. Hamilton Smith and E. Pidgeon, eds]. G. B. Whitaker, London: 1-498.
  • Haltenorth T. 1963. Klassifikation der Säugetiere: Artiodactyla. Handbuch der Zoologie 8(1)8: 1-167.
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  • ICZN 1959. Validation under the Plenary Powers of the family-group names "Muntiacinae" Pocock, 1923, and "Odobenidae" (correction of "Odobaenidae") Allen, 1880 (Class Mammalia) ("Opinion" supplementary to "Opinions" 460 and 467 respectively). Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the ICZN 20: 119-128.
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  • ICZN 1977a. Opinion 1080. Didermoceros Brookes, 1828 (Mammalia) suppressed under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 34: 21-24.
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  • Shikama T. 1936b. Depcretia. a new subgenus of Cervus, with a note on a new species from the Pleistocene of Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan 12: 251-254.
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  • Thomas O. 1913. On certain of the smaller S.-American Cervidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 11(8): 585-589.
  • Viret J. 1961. Artiodactyla. [In: Traité de Paléontologie, Tome VI. Volume 1. J. Piveteau, edl. Masson et Cie, Paris: 887-1084.
  • Vislobokova I. A. 1980. The systematic position of a deer from Pavlodar and the origin of Neocervinae. Paleontological Journal 14(3): 97-111.
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  • Wagner J. A. 1844. Die Sàugetiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen von Dr. Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber. Supplemantband. Walther, Erlangen 4: 1-523.
  • Wilson D E. and Reeder D. M. (eds) 1993, Mammal species of the world. Second edition. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D C.: 1-1206.
  • Zdansky O. 1925. F'ossile Hirsche Chinas. Palaeontologia Sinica Series C 2(3): 1-90.

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