Biocenoza dróg rodnych ma podstawowe znaczenie dla zdrowia i czynności narządu rodnego kobiet oraz ich ogólnego stanu zdrowia. Zaburzenie ilościowych stosunków pomiędzy kolonizującą florą fizjologiczną i patologiczną - z przewagą flory patologicznej, prowadzi do rozwoju zakażenia, a w rezultacie do procesu chorobowego, który ze względu na oporność patogenu bywa często trudny do leczenia.
Based on performed investigation in the group of 200 women treated for recurrent and chronic vaginitis and cervicitis, the characteristic of isolated microorganism was done. There were found series of drug-resistant bacteria in the vagina and uterine cervical canal in women with recurrent vaginitis and chronic cervicitis. In 42,6% of patients with diagnosed chronic cervicitis (Cervicitis chronica n=50) Escherichia coli strains were isolated, 5% of which produced extended spectrum ß-lactamases ( ESßL). In women with recurrent vaginitis (Colpitis recidivans n=150) Escherichia coli strains where isolated in 45,6%. Among them 4,5% produced EsßL. Expression of ß-lactamases with broadened substrate spectrum was done in double-disc-test. Conclusions: 1. Study of antibiotic sensitivity of isolated bacteria should be a diagnostic standard in bacterial infections of uterine cervix and vagina. 2. The choice of appropriate antibiotics should take into consideration the drug-resistance mechanisms of isolated bacteria. 3. When drug-resistant bacteria are isolated, combined therape should be applicated.