Aim: Selenium (Se) is of fundamental importance to health conditions. Also, the concentration of Se in human organism depends on dietary intakes. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of dietary preferences on serum and tissue levels of Se in patients with laryngeal cancer. Methods: Twenty eight patients who had undergone an operation on laryngeal cancer, were studied. Food frequency questionnaires were implemented to collect the dietary> data Serum and tissue levels of Se were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: In patients with laryngeal cancer the mean Se concentration in serum (38.73±13.9 µg/L) and cancer tissue (94.00± 92.7 ng/g) were significantly lower than in controls (52.56 ±12.8 µg/L and 174.01±120.9 ng/g, accordingly). Smoking and using butter on bread decreased Se levels in tissue of cancer sufferers. Frequent consumption of pork-butcher 's meat increased of Se concentration in serum and cancer tissue, but honey only in serum. Conclusion: Se levels in patients with laryngeal cancer may depend not only on the health condition, but also on the habit of eating pork-butcher 's meat, butter and honey. It can also depend on the fact if a patient smokes or not.