The study involved Polish merinos sheep (64 animals), kept in a sheep-breeding farm, and fed a meat-woolly type of diet supplemented with the detoxicating preparation Monk-1. The animals were given a single dose of 10 mg of cadmium/kg b.w (labelled with cadmium-109) directly into the abomasum and then were killed on the 1st, 12th, 48th, and 96th post- dosing day. Cadmium concentration was measured radiometrically in the liver lobes, duodenum, diaphragm, biceps femoris; heart, pancreas; kidneys, ovary, spleen, brain; and muscles. The highest cadmium concentrations were found in the kidneys and liver. The detoxicating preparation Monk-1 significantly decreased cadmium concentrations in the kidneys, liver, biceps femoris, and duodenum.