Badaniom poddano próbki mięśni i wątrób pobrane od karpi w latach 1995-1997 z różnych stawów hodowlanych na terenie kraju. W analizowanych tkankach ryb oznaczono ołów, kadm, rtęć, arsen, cynk i miedź. Stwierdzone stężenia oznaczanych pierwiastków toksycznych (Pb, Cd, Hg i As) były niskie i nie przekraczały dopuszczalnych limitów obowiązujących dla ryb.
During 1995-1997, samples of muscles and liver of 311 carps were collected at fish farms in selected regions of Poland. Levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, zinc and copper were determined by different techniques of atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations of the toxic elements (Pb, Cd, Hg, As) in carp tissues were relatively low. Lead and cadmium were rather seldom detected in the muscle (15% and 35%, respectively). Mean levels of lead in the fish tissues were around the detection limit of the method, i.e. 0.01 mg/kg. The same was true for cadmium except for the 1995 results, which were considerably higher (0.032 mg/kg for muscle) and 10% muscle sample Cd levels exceeded 0.05 mg/kg, which is the maximum level admissible in Poland. Hg and As were found to be present in alt carp tissues, but the concentrations of those elements were within the admissible limits. Our results indicate that the toxic elements at the concentrations detected in carp tissues are not dangerous to human health.