Oznaczono zawartość miedzi, cynku, kadmu, ołowiu i rtęci w wątrobach zajęcy pozyskanych łowiecko na terenach „kontrolnych", o skażeniu przemysłowym i o intensywnej produkcji rolniczej województwa krakowskiego. Material do badań stanowiły wątroby zajęcy obojga pici upolowane w grudniu 1984 r. i na przełomie 1994/95 r.
Copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and mercury contents (mg/kg wet weight) in the liver of hares shot in the control, industrial and agricultural areas of the Cracow region during the 1984 and the 1994/95 hunting seasons were determined. Concentrations of copper, zinc and cadmium in the liver of the control area hares were found to be slightly lower, and those of lead higher in 1994/95 than in 1984. Concentrations of copper, zinc and cadmium in the liver of the industrial area were found to be slightly lower, and the concentrations of lead in the liver of the control area hares higher in 1994/95 than in 1984. In 1994/95, the highest mean zinc concentration (32,1 mg/kg) was detected in the control area hares, and the highest copper (3,58 mg/kg) cadmium (1,04 mg/kg) and lead (0,67 mg/kg) concentrations were found in the industrial area hares. The highest mercury concentration 0,132 mg/kg (mean: 0,033 mg/kg) was detected in the liver of the hares from the agricultural areas.