U 140 kobiet, z prawidłowymi cyklami miesięcznymi, oznaczono stężenie tryptofanu całkowitego, związanego i wolnego w surowicy. Stwierdzono, że u kobiet narażonych na przewlekłe działanie CS2 występuje znamienne podwyższenie stężeń wszystkich frakcji tryptofanu.
Concentration of total, bonded, and free tryptophan fractions constituting the substrate for protein and indolamin synthesis in serum of women chronically exposed to CS2 were assessed. The assessments were performed in a population of 140 women divided into 2 groups. The control group (I) included 50 women aged 40.1 ± 8,3 years, who had history of contact with CS2. The test group (II) included 90 women aged 39.7 ± 9.1 years exposed to CS2 vapours at concentrations from 9.36 mg/m3 to 23.4 mg/m3. Serum tryptophan fraction concentrations were determined by the Denckel-Dewey fluorimetric method as modified by Eccleston. The results were analysed statistically using the t'Student and Welch-Snedecor tests. It was found that the women chronically exposed to CS2 had significantly higher serum concentrations of total (p < 0.001 ), bonded (p < 0.001) and free (p < 0.05) tryptophan.