Wykonano bronchofiberoskopie z pobraniem popłuczyn pęcherzykowo- oskrzelikowych (BAL) u 30 chorych po operacjach torakochirurgicznych w celu oceny beztlenowej flory bakteryjnej dolnych dróg oddechowych. Łącznie wyizolowano 100 szczepów bakterii beztlenowych. Wśród Gram-ujemnych bakterii dominowały Prevotella oraz Bacteroides. Charakteryzowały się one nąjwiększą wrażliwością na imipenem, piperacylinę z kwasem klawulanowym i metronidazol. Spośród Gram-dodatnich bakterii najczęściej były izolowane: ziarniaki z rodzaju Peptostreptococcus wrażliwe na wszystkie badane środki przeciwbakteryjne oraz pałeczki z rodzaju Actinomyces - wrażliwe na wszystkie badane antybiotyki, z wyjątkiem metronidazolu.
Purpose of this study was to find out what kind of anaerobic bacteria were in lower respiratory tract and how often they were present there considering patients after thoracic surgery. Also, what is susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics. Research covered 30 patients after operation. Material for research was bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) taken during bronchoscopy. Collected sample was cultivated in anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Anaerobic bacteria were found in 28 samples (93%). Totally there were 100 anaerobic bacteria strains. The most common Gram-negative rods were from genus Prevotella (24 strains, 24%) and (15 strains, 15%). Gram-negative bacteria except Bacteroides characterised biggest susceptibility to imipenem, piperacillin/tazobactam, amoxicillin/clavulanate, ampicillin/sulbactam, piperacillin, clindamycin and metronidazol. Bacteroides were susceptible to imipenem, piperacillin/tazobactam and metronidazol. Among Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria mostly were isolated from cocci Peptostreptococcus (18 strains, 18%) and were susceptible to all antibiotics. Gram-positive rods were in most cases represented by Actinomyces (12 strains 12%) and were highly susceptible to all antibacterial means except metronidazol (100% is resistant).