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1995 | 41 | 4 |

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Wplyw roztworu kwasu solnego na inwazje Ascaris suum oraz aktywnosc enzymow trawiennych przewodu pokarmowego i surowicy prosiat oseskow

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The studies were carried out on twenty newborn piglets. They were divided into four groups. The groups no 3 and no 4 were given intragastric 0.18% HCl from the 3th day of experiment. The groups no 2 and no 4 were infected on the 7th day with 10000 invasive eggs of Ascaris suum. The presence of A.suum larvae in the lungs and liver was examined after one week lasting invasion by BAERMANN rnethod. The total acidity in the gastric content was measured. The activity of alpha-amylase, lipase and proteases was determined in the extracts from pancreas and in the contents of stomach, duodenum and jejunum. The level of pepsinogens and alpha-amylase in the animals serum was studied. The intensity of Ascaris invasion was slightly higher in the group which was given HCl than in the infected group without HCl. The activity of digestive enzymes in the both groups was similar. Only in the stomach content from the 4th group the activity of pepsin was higher (p<0.05), and alpha-amylase and lipase were lower (p <0.01) than in the 2nd and in the 3th group. The level of pepsinogens was always lower and alpha-amylase higher in the serum of infected animals than in uninfected groups.








Opis fizyczny

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