Badaniom poddano 46 prób napojów fermentowanych z mleka i 4 próby preparatów farmaceutycznych, określając liczebność charakterystycznych dla nich bakterii fermentacji mlekowej oraz Bifidobacterium sp.
The experimental material were 46 samples of fermented milk drinks (yogurts, kefir, sour cream) and two lots of two pharmaceutical preparations whose producers declared that they contained Bifidobacterium sp. Ca. 30% of the dairy bio-products examined contained too little bifidobacteria already on the day of purchase (<1.0-106 - 1 cfu/cm3), and over 40% - on the expiration. 20% of the products were characterized by a variable count of lactic acid bacteria. In the pharmaceutical preparations bifidobacteria were present in the amount of 1.0•106 - 1.0•106, which constituted 183 - 0.17% of the count declared, depending on the producer and lot.