The study investigated the distribution and morphology of nitric oxide synthesis-immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies and processes in the thoracolumbar and sacral spinal cord of sexually immature gilts. Investigations revealed the following: NOS-immunoreactive fibers and singular cell bodies in regions of the dorsal horn including superficial laminae I and II and deeper laminae III and IV; prominent NOS-immunolabeled perikarya in intermediolateral nucleus of the thoracolumbar spinal segments; NOS-positive perikarya in lamina X along the thoracic, lumbar and sacral divisions of the cord; NOS-positive perikarya and fibers in the area near to the location of the intermediomedial and intermediolateral nuclei in the sacral segments of the cord. The obtained morphological results indicate that the general distribution pattern of NOS-positive neurons in the spinal cord of pigs resembles that of other species. The concentration of NO-ergic neurons in the autonomic nuclei, dorsal horn laminae I, II, III, IV and lamina X suggests a prominent role of NO-ergic neurons in visceral and sensory functions.