Omówiono prowadzone, w ramach projektu Komitetu Badań Naukowych, prace badawcze mające na celu między innymi określenie możliwości rozwoju usług sąsiedzkich.
Results of analysis showed that rational engaging the workmen on a farm may increase production level. Hiring additional man power on the two compared farms was different. The hired outside workmen worked 1295h on the farm I while 414 h on the farm II. Values of final product per 1 ha of agricultural land were 9.33 and 6.53 million zł, respectively. Agricultural works done by means of the owners' technical equipment - also outside of the farm - reduce specific operating costs of machine set. Effects of wider utilization are particularly visible on the farm I for combine - harvester and sugar-beet harvester. Specific operating costs of combine-harvester - at assumed 12 year life time - dropped down from 2.12 to 0.49 million zt/h. At life time prolonged to 20 years operating costs on the owners' farm only would be 1.75 while at servicing in the same extent - 0.4 million zł, respectively.