Cenozoic insect fauna of northwestern Bohemia is preserved in fluviolacustrine deposits of the Krušné hory piedmont basins and the České středohoří Mts. The fossil insect assemblages are correlated with palaeobotanical results. The local palaeoenvironmental conditions such as the distance from the shoreline or water depth are interpreted. A reflection of changes in distribution of fossil entomofaunas is compared with relevant world localities of different palaeoenvironments. The sparse fossil insect taphocoenoses fill a gap in record of significant diverse non-marine invertebrate communities and serve for reconstruction of terrestrial palaeoecosystems. The selected fossil sites demonstrate insect taphocoenoses formed under conditions of the palaeoenvironment of a diatomaceous lake with subtropical forests (Kučlín), lowlands of riparian and mesophytic forests (Kundratice - Seifhennersdorf), warm-temperate swamp to riparian forests (Bílina mine) and lake sedimentation near mixed mesophytic forests (Mokřina). The aim is to compare fossil entomofaunas from several periods within Tertiary in northwestern Bohemia and search for analogous palaeoenvironmental conditions in other areas. The results are correlated with the previously proposed palaeobotanical models.