Salicornia europaea L. is a protected and endangered species in Poland. It is also considered as locally extinct in the Gdańskie Pomerania region. Common glasswort is a halophyte that occurs among the Baltic Sea coast and in saline inland places in the Wielkopolska and Kujawy region. In July 2004 a new locality of Salicornia europaea L. was found in Słone Łąki nature reserve (Gdańskie Pomerania, CA39 square of the ATPOL grid) in Władysławowo. S. europaea grows mainly in Juncetum gerardi association. The accompanying species are: Juncus gerardi, Agrostis stolonifera ssp. maritima, Glaux maritima, Triglochin maritima, Plantago maritima, Aster tripolium, Puccinellia distans, Spergularia salina, Festuca rubra, Phragmites australis, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Potentilla anserina and Atriplex hastata. The locality of common glasswort is endangered by expansion of the reed grass Phragmites australis and needs active protection