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New multituberculate teeth from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco


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Three new multituberculate teeth are described from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco. Denisodon moroccensis gen. et sp. nov. is established for a second lower molar which differs from that of Hahnodon taqueti, from the same locality, by a preserved posterior buccal cusp, a smaller posterior lingual cusp and the less indented lingual wall of the crown. The second tooth is a posterior upper premolar. It is represented by the posterior portion of its crown on which is present only one row of cusps, similar to the conditions in Kielanodon, Eobaatar, Bolodon, and the Pinheirodontidae. The third tooth is a lower incisor, similar to that in Kuehneodon. Both teeth are grouped as „Hahnodontidae, gen. et sp. indet.” Paulchoffatioidea new superfamily is established for the Paulchoffatiidae, Hahnodontidae, and Pinheirodontidae. It is characterized by the following autapomorphies: premolarisation of I2−C, presence of a third row of cusps on the posterior upper premolars and the basin−like structure of the m2. Hahnodontidae and Hahnodon are redefined.








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