The aim of the study was to estimate the occurrence (the quantative and rate percent) of Ixodes ricinus in the popular recreation areas in Szczecin (Arkonka, Osów, Głębokie, Landscape Park of Szczecin, Dąbie Forest Park, Zdroje Forest Park) and in province of Szczecin (Forest of Goleniów, Ińsko, Pobierowo, Chojna). Investigations were performed in 1998 year, twice on each places; in May/June and repeted in September/October. The temperature and humidity of air were measured. Obtained specimens were regard of sex and growing stage during each collection. A total of 2.055 specimens collected 49% were nymphs, 13.9% female, 11.3% male and 25.8% larvaes. The nymphs the most frequently were in spring when humidity of air was 55% and temperature 24°C. The larvaes, in autumn were most frequently (31.4%) then in spring (20.5%) when the temperature of the air was 18-22°C, and the humidity from 60 to 85% during the collections.