The prevalence and abundance of Cryptosporidium parvum were studied over a three year period (1997-1999) in three species of rodents sampled from forest and abandoned fields in the Mazury Lake District, Poland. The overall prevalence was consistently higher in voles compared with Apodemus flavicollis (70.6% in Clethrionomys glareolus, 73.0% in Microtus arvalis and 27.8% in A. flavicollis). The prevalence and abundance of infection also varied across the 3 years of the study with 1998 being the year of higher prevalence and abundance of the parasite. Fewer older animals carried the infection, and their infections were relatively mild. We found no consistent pattern of seasonal changes despite the significance of seasonal differenccs. Host sex did not influence either the prevalence or abundance of infection with C. parvum. A great proportion of recaptured voles developed chronic infections between consecutive trapping sessions and only a small number of animals recovered. However, yellow-necked mice seem to be much more resistant to infection that became self-limiting. Our results firmly establish that the common woodland and grassland wild rodents in the Mazury Lake District constitute a significant and hazardous reservoir of C. parvum for animals and humans.