Przeprowadzono pomiary zmian zawartości wody w cebuli suszonej w plasterkach o grubości ok. 5 mm, w warunkach konwekcji swobodnej. Suszenie zostało przeprowadzone w dziewięciu temperaturach od 30 do 70°C. Wyniki pomiarów przedstawiono graficznie.
The measurements of the time related changes of moisture content (dry basis) in onion while drying under natural convection were conducted. The experiments were carried out in samples consisted of the single onion slices which were of 5 mm. thick. Onion was dried in nine temperatures from 30 to 70°C. The results of measurements were plotted on diagrams. They indicated increasing of drying velocity according to increasing of temperatures of drying. The measurements of thickness and diameter indicated greater changes of the second.