In June and August, grass cut on the ground level from experimental fields on which gastro-intestinal nematodes have been cultivated was dried under room temperature (day and night temperature differences 16-26°C). A total of 13 samples of 10 g each were prepared. One sample of raw grass was kept in the Baerman apparatus and after 12 h the number and species of larvae were determined. Other samples were collected into large Petri dishes and one sample was examined every 2 days for the number of larvae both on the grass and the dish bottom. In one sample of raw grass 254 invasive larvae were present. They were determined as Haemonchus contortus -64%, Ostertagia circumcincta - 13%, Trichostrongylus sp. - 11%, Chabertia ovina - 10% and Oesophagostomum venulosum - 2%. After 6 days of the experiment the grass was dry and contained only 16.5% of viable larvae. At the same time on the bottom of the dish as much as 47.2% of the viable larvae were found. After 12 days of the experiment viable larvae were absent on grass and after 18 days of drying viable larvae on the dish bottom were not found.