W wybranych suszach ziołowych oraz ich naparach oznaczono poziom azotanów i azotynów metodą kolorymetryczną Griessa w modyfikacji Rommingera i Straussa. Najniższy poziom azotanów i równocześnie najniższy poziom azotynów wynoszący odpowiednio 10,3 mg/kg i 2,70 mg/kg wykazano w owocu glogu, najwyższy poziom obu składników w suszu z pokrzywy odpowiednio 16 921 mg/kg i 17,20 mg/kg. Napary sporządzone z owocu głogu również zawierały najmniej azotanów 0,39 mg/200 cm3 (tj. filiżankę), napary z pokrzywy najwięcej bo 47,23 mg/200 cm3. W przeanalizowanych naparach stwierdzono śladowe ilości azotynów, bądź nie stwierdzono ich obecności w ogóle.
The aim of this work was to determine nitrate and nitrite levels in dehydrated products and infusions of the following herbs: St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), peppermint (Mentha piperita), camomile, crategus fruit, nettle (Utrica dioica), and sage (Salvia officinalis). The herbs were bought at herbs shops of Cracow and Warsaw. Nitrates and nitrites were determined by the Griess colorimetric method as modified by Romminger and Strauss. Among the examined herbs, the lowest nitrate and nitrite content was found in crategus fruit, 10.3 mg/kg and 2.70 mg/kg, respectively. The highest nitrate (from 6 764 mg/kg to 16 921 mg/kg) and nitrite (from 8.14 mg/kg to 17.20 mg/kg) content was found in the nettle. In the sage, the content of the chemicals was also high, from 5 788 mg/kg to 12 848 mg/kg nitrates and from 6.59 mg/kg to 13.61 mg/kg nitrites. In the infusions prepared from those herbs, the level of nitrates was highest also for the nettle, ranging from 7.35 to 47.23 mg/200 cm3 (one cup) followed by the sage, from 5.23 to 19.06 mg/200 cm3. All analysed infusions contained only trace amounts of nitrites or none at all. From our result it may be concluded that from 20% to 70% nitrates and from 0% to 40% nitrites contained in the dehydrated herbs are transferred to the infusions prepared from the herbs.