Prokainamid powoduje wzrost zawartości żelaza, cynku i miedzi w osoczu po 3 mies. jego podawania. Zwiększona zawartość metali wydaje się być związana z mechanizmami obronnymi przeciw wolnym rodnikom indukowanym przez metabolity degradacji prokainamidu. Selen likwidując te wolne rodniki obniża poziom miedzi i żelaza w osoczu.
Experiments were conducted on 40 Wistar female rats treated with procainamide (40 mg/kg body weight/day) and selenium yeast preparation (at a dosing level corresponding to 2 µg Se/kg body weight), for 3 month. Using AAS method, copper, zinc, and iron content was determined in the plasma and liver following the dry mineralization. In animals treated with procainamide, the plasma copper content was found to be by 50% higher than in the controls. On the other hand, approximative results were obtained in the control animals and those treated with procainamide and selenium. Moreover, extremely significant decrease (over 30%) of plasma iron level in animals treated with procainamide and selenium, in comparison with the control, was observed. The increased concentration of plasma zinc and copper content in subjects treated with procainamide seems to be related to the organism defense mechanism against an increased lipids peroxidation as a result of a free radical reactions induced by procainamide metabolites The probability is that in the presence of selenium the main enzyme overcoming blood cells' free radicals becomes selenium-dependent gluthatione peroxidase (EC. perhaps decreasing the action of superoxide dismutase and catalase.