W wybranej gminie wykonano badania popytu rolników na ciągniki o różnej mocy. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników określono dla tej gminy strukturę podaży ciągników, optymalną pod względem liczby stopni mocy oraz miejsca ich położenia w przedziale zgłoszonych wymagań.
The demand of agricultural tractors with differentiated power rating was studied. All of 383 farmers in Jarocin commune, Kalisz province, were inquired and distribution of the fanners' demand for required tractor power was determined. This distribution was used to estimate the financial losses that would occur when individual demands will be met by a series of power ratings of different number of degrees. The losses decreased with increasing the number of degrees, and were were acceptable at the 6-degree series. Further increasing the number of power degrees was unreasonable and, besides, unfavaurable for rational technical service of the tractors.