This paper presents the results of tests for total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in water and sediments of the Odra River and its tributaries, collected in 1998-2000. TOC and DOC concentrations in tested samples were determined using the multi N-C analyser made by Analytik Jena/Instrument Development Company (IDC). More than 40% of waters from the Odra River and its tributaries were characterized by increased organic substances concentration levels according to Polish and German regulations (10-20 mgC dm-3). TOC and DOC concentrations in water samples were in the range of 3.729.0 mgC dm-3 and 2.5-16.3 mgC dm-3, respectively, whereas TOC content in sediments varied between 1.4-176.0 mgC g-1 d.m. Particulate organic carbon (POC) constituted about 20% of TOC in the tributaries and 37% in close-to-mouth water of the Odra River. Based on the obtained results, the temperature influence on the content of organic carbon in water samples was observed. The maximum TOC values were characteristic for spring-summer period, while the minimum ones for the autumn.