Metodą AAS zbadano zawartość miedzi, cynku, manganu, żelaza, wapnia, magnezu, sodu i potasu w tkance mięśniowej skarpów (turbotów) złowionych w części zachodniej Zatoki Gdańskiej. Zbadano współzależności pomiędzy stężeniem poszczególnych metali.
Copper, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium content was determined in muscle tissue of turbot Psetta maxima netted from the Gulf of Gdansk in 1987 and 1989. The method of measurement was flame AAS and EAS after dry ashing of samples. The following weighted average values of metals content in 40 individual fish examine (µg/g wet weight) were found: 0.49 of copper, 8.4 of zinc, 0.59 of manganese, 3.6 of iron, 150 of calcium, 200 of magnesium, 960 of sodium, and 3600 of potassium. Zinc, iron, calcium and sodium concentration of muscles decreased as the body lenght of turbot increased (p < 0.01). A slight downward tendency was also observed for the copper and manganese levels while magnesium and potassium concentration remained constant. A significant positive correlation for the following pairs of metals was found: Na- Fe, Na-Ca (p ˂ 0.001); Zn-Fe, Mn-Fe, Zn-Na, Mg-K (p < 0.01); Cu-Zn, Cu-Mn, and Cu-Fe (p < 0.05).