Dokonano oceny poziomu zawartości metali ciężkich w glebach i runi łąkowej północno-zachodnich rejonów województwa krakowskiego przyległych do terenów eksploatacji górniczej i przeróbki rud cynku i ołowiu w województwie katowickim. Stwierdzono, że z oznaczonych metali ciężkich zawartość kadmu, ołowiu i cynku niemal z reguły przekracza górne wartości przyjmowane dla gleb nieskażonych, a niektóre z badanych gleb wykazują duży bądź nawet niebezpieczny stopień zanieczyszczenia. Natomiast w przypadku runi łąkowej jedynie zawartość kadmu w większości zebranych próbek przekracza dopuszczalną normę dla pasz wynoszącą 0,5 mg/kg s.m.
The aim of the paper was to investigate if and to what extent mining and treating of zinc-lead ores (Bukowno Olkusz, Trzebinia) and emissions from other factories localized within Katowice province (Jaworzno, Dąbrowa Górnicza) influenced the level of heavy metals contents in soils and meadow plants of north-western regions of Krakow province. Samples of soil and meadow sward were collected in 1592 at twenty points located along die north-western boundary of Krakow province (Fig. 1). One sample of meadow sward and three samples of soil, from 0-10, 10-20 and 10-50 cm layers were collected at each point. Total contents of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in each sample. Apart Front heavy metals, also basic soil properties were assayed in the soil samples. A majority of examined soils have shown increased contents of Cd, Pb and Zn, but only in single cases the pollution may be considered dangerous (Tab. I and 3). On the other hand, concentrations of Cu and Ni, with few exceptions, fall within the range of „natural" contents. The following top values have been accepted for soils with natural contents: Cd - 1, Cu - 20. Ni - 20, Pb - 30 and Zn - 100 mg/kg. In respect of their vertical distribution in the soil profile, the examined metals fall into two groups: one included Cu and Ni, which do not show differentiation within the soil profile; the second is composed of Cd, Pb and Zn whose contents decrease markedly along with depth (Fig. 2 and 3). Such distribution of those three metals shows an influence of factors of anthropogenic origin which are not connected with subsoil The assayed contents of heavy metals in meadow sward, except for cadmium, is within the norm assumed for fodder plants (Tab. 4). Cadmium contents in sward exceed the lop permissible limit - 0.5 mg/kg d.m. - in 65% of samples.