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Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndromes


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Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndromes are rare, multisystemic diseases, typically with major nervous system impairment, that are caused by hypo-and unglycosylation of N-linked glycoproteins. Hence, a biochemical evidence of this abnormality, like hypoglycosylation of serum transferrin is essential for diagnosis. Clinically and biochemically, six types of the disease have been delineated. Three of them are caused by deficiencies of the enzymes that are required for a proper glycosylation of lipid - (dolichol) linked oligosaccharide (phosphomannomutase or phosphomannose isomerase or alpha-glycosyltransferase), and one results from a deficiency of Golgi resident N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II. In addition one variant of the disease has been reported as due to a defective biosynthesis of dolichol iself. The diseases are heritable but genetics has been established for only two types. Therapy, based on administration of mannose to patients is currently under investigation. It benefits patients with deficiency of phosphomannose isomerase. Taking into account the complexity of N-linked glycosylation of proteins more of the disease variants is expected to be found.








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  • Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, 00-957 Warsaw, Chocimska 5, Poland


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