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2006 | 62 | 11 |

Tytuł artykułu

Kampylobakterioza zwierzat - aspekty epidemiologiczne

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Campylobacteriosis of animals: the epidemiological aspect

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Campylobacter sp. may colonize the intestinal tract of most mammal and bird species. The resultant infections are symptomless or can cause diarrhea. When they concern humans, they are a serious epidemiological problem. In developed countries campylobacteriosis is now one of the most frequent reasons for food-borne diseases and is usually associated with gastroenteritis. In rare cases the infection may lead to complications like septicemia or Gullain-Barre syndrome. Campylobacteriosis is a zoonozis, therefore animal food products are the main source of the infection of Campylobacter for humans. As a zoonozis, in Poland all cases of campylobacteriosis in animals must be registered.








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  • Akademia Rolnicza, pl.Grunwaldzki 45, 50-366 Wroclaw


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