Próbki gleb i roślinności łąkowej pobrano w 21 punktach położonych wzdłuż lewego brzegu Wisły w granicach województwa krakowskiego. W każdym punkcie pobrano po 2 próbki gleby i 1 roślin łąkowych wewnątrz obwałowania i poza wałem przeciwpowodziowym. We wszystkich próbkach oznaczono zawartość Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn. Zróżnicowanie zawartości badanych metali ciężkich w glebach wewnątrz obwałowania jest bardzo duże. Gleby te są również znacznie bardziej zanieczyszczone, szczególnie kadmem i cynkiem, od znajdujących się poza wałem. Większość próbek mili łąkowej zebranej wewnątrz. obwałowania jest zanieczyszczona kadmem.
In June 1994 samples of soils and meadow plants were collected at 21 spots situated along the left bank of the Vistula within the Cracow province boundaries (Fig. 1). Two soil samples and one sample of meadow plants were picked between the embankment and the river-bed, as well as outside the flood bank al each spot. In all samples the contents of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined and also the basic physico-chemical properties of the soils. Turf soils in the Vistula valley within the Cracow province are highly diversified as to their basic properties and heavy metal contents (Tab. 1, Fig. 1 and 2). The highest accumulation of heavy metals and diversification in their contents are observed in the top layers of soils in the valley bottom zone adjoining the river-bed, separated by the flood bank. Total heavy metals contents range from 0.42 to 84.04 mg Cd, 87-2120 mg Zn, 7.5-181.4 mg Cu, 16.4-217.7 mg Pb and 15.4-60.7 mg Ni/kg d.m. Except for nickel, the level of examined heavy metals concentration in a majority of soil samples from this zone is described as serious or dangerous contamination (Tab. 3). Average content of investigated metals in the soils outside the embankment approximate to the contents most commonly noted in I tic arable lands in Cracov province. The contents of cadmium, zinc and copper in the soils within the embankment in the lower regions of the Vistula below Cracow are on an average ca 2 times higher that in the upper region. An analogous raise in lead concentration is almost 1.7 times higher. Only nickel contents in the soils of these two regions are almost identical. Nearly all samples of meadow plants from the zone between the flood bank and river-bed and many picked outside the embankment contained excessive amounts of cadmium from the point of view of their fodder usability (Tab. 4).