Od kilku lat w krajach Unii Europejskiej odnotowuje się próby wprowadzania na rynek żywności zafałszowanej niedozwolonymi barwnikami takimi jak Sudan I, II, III, IV czy para-Red. Obecność niedozwolonych barwników jest stwierdzana w sproszkowanej papryce chili oraz przyprawie curry, kurkumie i oleju palmowym. W okresie od maja 2003r. do marca 2006r. w Systemie Wczesnego Ostrzegania o Niebezpiecznych Produktach Żywnościowych i Środkach Żywienia Zwierząt (RASFF) zanotowano 651 zgłoszeń o zafałszowaniu żywności niedozwolonymi barwnikami.
As foodstuffs adulterated by illegal dyes, such as Sudan I, II, III IIV, para-Red, have appeared on the European Union market, the emergency measures to eliminate this problem have been taken. The illegal dyes are added to dried, ground chilli, curry, curcuma and to palm oil. These products are imported from countries outside the EU. The adulteration concerns also ready to eat products which contain the ingredients mentioned above. Apart from the adulteration, the presence of illegal dyes in foodstuffs can be a threat to consumer's health. In 2003 -2005 three Commission Decisions on emergency measures regarding some products which can contain illegal dyes were published. Since May 2003 to March 2006,651 notifications on food adulteration by illegal dyes were sent to the RASFF system. As a result of the taken measures, the number of notifications have decreased. The possibility of food adulteration by illegal dyes different from the ones which are used now are considered. This is the reason why the continuation of food control and cooperation between official control authorities and food producers are necessary.