Low air and soil temperarutes in the early spring period are the main factor for limiting the begin of vegetables cultivation. As energy prices continue to grow an important problem is the search for new economic solutions. Therefore the design and building of an experimental station which uses the heat of low temperature waste waters for cultivating vegetables proved to be of great importance. The environmental conditons and the thermal requirements made the cultivation under housing with foils necessary. The heating of the soils at a depth of 40 and 50 cm with the waste waters of 27.8 ± 8.5 °C raised the soil temperature, which had an essential influence upon the growth and crops of the cultivated vegetables. The experimental station ‘Agroterma’ located near the power station ‘Rybnik’ performes since 14 years his production functions. The research work allowed to determine the physicochemical and biological changes in the heated soil and to recognize the reaction of the vegetables to the soil heating.