Populations of two species of woodland rodents were studied: Apodemus flavicollis (A. f.) and Clethrionomys glareolus (C. g.)t inhabiting a set of small wood patches, isolated from large, continuous forest. The species composition, density and population dynamics differed from those in the forest. The rodents used the entire area as a patchy habitat, moving between the woodlots. In the breeding season high mobility caused higher mortality among males, especially in C. g. Sex ratio in C. g. was female biased. In A. f. females prevailed in spring whereas there was a prevalence of males in autumn. Seasonal changes in age structure followed different patterns in females and males. Males prevailed in first spring litters in both species. Males also prevailed among numerous immigrants of A. f. but females prevailed among immigrants of C. g. The demographic processes in these species resulted from habitat fragmentation and different life strategies.