Oznaczono i obliczono pobranie ołowiu, kadmu i rtęci z całodobowymi racjami pokarmowymi osób dorosłych mieszkających na terenie województwa lubelskiego. Omówiono również rozkład pobrania wymienionych pierwiastków na poszczególne grupy produktów spożywczych. Kadm i ołów oznaczono techniką ekstrakcyjną atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej, a rtęć tą samą metodą wykorzystując technikę zimnych par.
In 1997 and 1998, hundred and forty one daily food rations collected by the duplicate portion technique from thirty men and thirty eight women of Lublin Province were examined for lead, cadmium and mercury content. The age of the participants was from twenty to fifty five and they showed average activity. Cadmium and lead were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry using ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) as complexing agent and 4-methylpentan-2-one (MIBK) as the organic phase. Mercury was determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry after wet digestion with nitric (V) and sulphuric (VI) acids. Daily intakes and distribution of the investigated elements in the main groups of food products were calculated by the FOOD software using data from the Polish "Tables of Trace Elements in Food Products". Raw and processed vegetables, cereals, meat and meat products were found to constitute the main source of the toxic elements in the diets. Only with cadmium, cereals preceded vegetables as the source of the element (38.9% and 23.6%, respectively). It is worth to note a significant contribution of the remaining groups of food for lead (12.3%), and milk/diary products and fish for mercury (14.2% and 8.63%, respectively). When we compare the determined values with the FAO/WHO recommendations, we may note that the measured daily intakes were moderate, 31% to 50% PTWI for lead, 27% to 40% for cadmium, and 10% to 14% PTWI for mercury. It should be stressed that there were significant differences between the calculated an the analytical results, suggesting the necessity to update the existing data base by including most recent resuits.