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2009 | 58 | 1 |

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Interstrain diversity of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate content in lipopolysaccharides of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

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Bacteria of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans species are Gram-negative, anaerobic rods selectively reducing sulphates and colonizing oxygen-free ecosystems. They are ubiquitous in the natural environment and have been also found to reside in the human digestive tract. They are suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The D. desulfuricans wild strains were isolated from feces and bioptate of patients suffering from various digestive tract disorders. LPSs were isolated from the wild enteric strains and soil type strain La 2226 of D. desulfuricans and analyzed in terms of their 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid (Kdo) component content. The obtained spectrophotometric data indicate that Kdo content is characteristic of each of the investigated strains and it ranges from 0.48% to 2.86% (w/w) of the total LPS mass. Statistically significant interstrain differences of Kdo quantity seem to suggest the differences in the O-antigen content. Comparative analysis of Kdo content in LPSs of D. desulfuricans strains in relation to that of the reference endotoxin from Salmonella spp. allows us to suggest that D. desulfuricans bacteria possess O-antigen polysaccharides composed of diverse number of carbohydrate units.








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  • Medical University of Silesia, Narcyzow 1, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland


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