Białym szczurom, samcom, podawano przez osiem miesięcy z wodą do picia octan ołowiu, octan kadmu i chlorek żelazowy. Oznaczano aktywność wybranych enzymów krwi, wskaźniki hematologiczne oraz wykonano test sprawności pamięciowej mózgu.
The experiment was carried out on male white rats of own breed which were receiving for 8 months lead acetate 200 mg/l, cadmium acetate 50 mg/l and ferrous chloride 100 mg/l with drinking water. The experimental groups received leas, cadmium, lead with cadmium, and the last group received every other day alternatingly iron or lead with cadmium. The activity of selected blood enzymes, haematological indices was determined and the memory test was carried out. In all experimental groups a decrease was noted of haemoglobin level and haematocrit value, with an increase of choline esterase and reduced learning effectiveness - most pronounced in the group treated with cadmium, less evident in groups drinking water with lead or cadmium and lead, and not significant in the group receiving iron with lead and cadmium.