Przeprowadzono badania poziomu hałasu wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego w 30 szkołach szczecińskich dobranych losowo. W 2/3 stwierdzono przekroczenie dopuszczalnych norm. W tych szkołach stwierdzono wyższe liczby dzieci z ubytkami słuchu oraz zaburzeniami psychicznymi.
There was an examination made in thirty schools chosen at random in Szczecin as for the level of indoor and outdoor noise. In two-thirds of the schools noise was found out to exceed the accepted limit. There was larger number of children with hearing deficiencies and/or psychic disturbances in those schools. The conclusion of the investigation can be drawn that one of the causes of transgression of indoor noise limit in newly built schools is the use of building materials of low insulating power. Additionally green areas should be set up and acoustic screens in order to separate schools in the centre of the city which are exposed to a high level of outdoor noise.