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1998 | 44 | 2 |

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Echinococcosis and hydatidosis in Bulgaria

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As far as echinococcosis and hydatidosis are concerned the situation in Bulgaria during the last 45 years has been different from the situation in other countries having permanent problems with these helminthoses. Till 1951 echinococcosis in dogs in Bulgaria was not controlled. After this period planned prophylactic treatment of sheep-dogs and hunting dogs started and control over the slaughter houses began. As a result of the long-term programme for complex struggle against these diseases significant success was achieved in Bulgaria during the 70s. and 80s. After 1985 the system of long-term struggle with echinococcosis stopped functioning. Rapid and uncontrollable development of dog-breeding activity began. Veterinary specialists lost control over the sheep-dogs, hunting dogs and stray dogs. This tendency is stili developing. As a result, the percentage of infected dogs in the country increased and reached 14.8%, in some regions even 42%. The purpose of this article is to review the epizootiology and epidemiology of echinococcosis and hydatidosis in Bulgaria. The reasons of the difficult situation and the means of struggle against these helminthoses are also being discussed.








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  • Thracian University, 17 Graf Ignatiev street, BX.2. ET.1, an.1, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


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