Przeprowadzono badania wpływu bioflawonoidów na zawartość Mg, Ca, Cu i Zn w skórach szczurów intoksykowanych metalami ciężkimi Pb lub Cd. Intoksykacja metalami ciężkimi powodowała istotne obniżenie ilości Mg i Ca w skórach badanych szczurów, a dodatek bioflawonoidów nie poprawiał lub zwiększał nieznacznie ich zawartość w skórze. Ołów, w przeciwieństwie do kadmu, zmniejszał zawartość Cu i Zn, a bioflawonoidy powodowały powrót zawartości obu pierwiastków do wartości w grupie kontrolnej.
The effect of bioflavonoids on the Mg, Ca, Cu and Zn concentration in the skin of rats + intoxicated with heavy metals (Pb or Cd) was studied. The animals were divided at random into nine groups, 6 rats each. Group I received a solution of plumbum nitrate, Pb(NO3)2 in drinking water at 500 mg Pb/dm3, group II was given a solution of plumbum ions (500 mg Pb/dm3) and quercetin (200 mg/dm3); group III received a solution of plumbum ions at 500 mg Pb/dm3 and catechin, while group IV received an aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2 at 500 mg Pb/dm3 and naringenin at 200 mg/dm3. Groups V- VIII received the same solutions as those given to groups I-IV, except that 500 mg Pb/dm3 Pb(NO3)2 had been replaced by 500 mg Cd/dm3 Cdcl2. Group IX was the control, and the animals received redistilled drinking water. All groups of rats were maintained on a normal diet (LSM dry food) and the solutions and food was accessible ad libitum. After experiment, the animals were sacrificed under ketamine narcosis and tissues were removed for analysis, while the skins (together with furs) were used for further studies. The heavy metals intoxication caused a significant reduction of Mg and Ca contentration in the examined rats skins, and the addition of bioflavonoids caused no, or an insignificant, improvement in the level of those elements. Lead, unlike cadmium, decreased Zn and Cu level in the skin samples, while bioflavonoids caused that the concetrations of those elements were close to the values noted in the control.