Zrównoważony rozwój - równoważenie zasobów przyrodniczych i przestrzeni osadniczej, organizacji społecznej i wymiarów ekonomicznych - jako podstawa kreowania nowych polskich standardów urbanistycznych.
The Report of Brundtland Commission from 1987 ent. „Our Common Future" recognizes the concept of the sustainable development as the fulfilment of the gap between the techno-centric and the eco-centric perspective of the development. In the report the following dimensions in political strategies were mentioned: ecological and economic, political-organizational as well as wellbeing and technological. The thesis that at the present time Europe has passed to the second generation of the environmental problems which are placed along the three axes is well known.From the problems of production to the consumption. From the emission concentrated in not many places to the scattered. From the local to the global and the international environmental damages. The article pays our attention to the correlation of the sustainable development idea with the commonly going and dependent problems of the new standardization in the town planning in Poland which should be implemented after the period of chaos and disturbance in the spatial order which have been taking place since the beginning of system transformations in 1990. Standards' aims are very in common with aims of sustainable development especially in the urban environment The assumptions of sustainable development were presented in the subject groups as follows: 1 - Sustainable natural resources; 2 - Sustainable space management; 3 - Sustainable organization of society; 4 - Sustainable economic dimensions and 5 - Sustainable system of urban standards. The point No.l is focused on the sustainable development main-lines in the area of preservation and increase the state of resources in nature and culture, increase in biodiversity and base of biotic and abiotic resources. The point No.2 presents the rules and the subjects of sustainability of built-up environment, visions for the development of cities in the future as well as principles of sustainable urban development. The interdependent groups to the system of standards were shown: 1/. settlement structures; 2/ settlement infrastructure; 3/ connections; 4/ density; 5/ environmental quality; 6/ locational. The point No.3 outlined the concept for the sustainable development referred to the organization of the society and well-being. It presents what the society should do to achieve sustainability. The point No.4 presents the conditions for achieving sustainable economy and reasons of difficulties with the introduction of the sustainable development concept in the countries with economic troubles. The article is completed with the final conclusions addressed to the four strategical fields of sustainable development and to the new system of standards in town planning.In final conclusions the author points out the impotance of considering the capacity of environment and its renewable potential in sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable management of flexible and effective physical space. In sustainable organization of society important in the fair access to environmental resources and up-grading of well-being. In sustainable economic growth essential point is the energy savings and economic innovation as well as the development of infrastructure accompanied by the system of sustainable urban standards. In every of four strategic fields in sustainable development urban standards have more or less efficient regulatory influence.