Utrzymuje się różnica poglądów na miejsce i rolę polityki przestrzennej. W ustroju pluralizmu demokratycznego polityka nabiera charakteru podmiotowego. Na jej strukturę składają się uwarunkowania, cele i kierunki działania. Studium zagospodarowania przestrzennego województw nie ma obecnie charakteru przepisu prawnego. Służy jedynie jako platforma koordynacji działań administracji rządowej i samorządowej na tym poziomie.
Physical planning objectives are a function of the progress of the public administration reform and the provisions of the new Physical Planning Act. There is still a difference of opinion between economists and urban planners as to the role and importance of physical planning. In a pluralist democracy, physical planning policy is an inherently independent field. It applies to identified problem areas and the administrative units. It is characterised by relative stability derived from spatial systems as opposed to floating structures of social and economic life. The coherence of the policy on all levels is ensured by its uniform legislative structure of conditions, goals and objectives. The urgent need for a physical planning study on a provincial level derives from the fact that such studies have already been commenced on a national level. These studies are inherently strategic in nature. Sustainalbe processes, conflict situations and opening up for the future make up the development mechanism influencing regional physical planning policies. Long term goals are to maintain the property, improve efficiency of systems and foster growth. Policy objectives are tools which help embed physical planning in decision making. Provincial studies are not pieces of legislation. In order to change the status quo provincial governmentsr to change the status quo provincial governments will have to be given more authority.