Przy użyciu metod hybrydyzacji in situ i PCR in situ badano liczbę komórek zakażonych latentnie dzikim szczepem wirusa HSV-1 oraz jego mutantem o osłabionej reaktywacji. Dla obu szczepów liczba komórek, w których wykrywano genom wirusa była bardzo zbliżona. Natomiast liczba komórek Z dużą ilością DNA w przypadku mutanta była znacznie mniejsza w porównaniu z dzikim szczepem wirusa.
The aim of the study was to detect the number of latently infected cells with wild type virus and with mutant with reduced reactivation. Using PCR in situ method we established, that the number of cells containing genome of these viruses do not differ especially between them. The number of cells with LAT expression is significantly reduced in the ganglia infected with mutant with impaired reactivation as we showed using in situ hybridization. Based on the observations of other autors, that high expression of LATs takes place in cells with high copy number of viral DNA our results showed, that after infection of mice with mutant with reduced reactivation less cells contain high copy number of viral DNA than after infection with wild type KOS. We suggest that impaired reactivation of an ICP22 mutant occurs as a result of reduced number of cells with copy number of viral DNA.