Red lechwe Kobus leche leche Gray, 1850 (n = 3), black lechwe K. I. smithermani Lydekker, 1900 (n = 10) and Kafue lechwe K. I. kafuensis Haltenorth, 1963 (n = 19) from Zambia were examined for genetic variability and differentiation at 30 presumptive structural loci using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Values of polymorphism (P = 10.0-16.7%) and average heterozygosity (H = 6.3-7.9%) were within the range commonly found in ungulates. Genetic variability was lowest in the red lechwe, which may be due to a genetic bottleneck the Zambia population experienced some 50 years ago. Relative (fst = 21%) and absolute (Nei's 1978, d = 0.020-0.023) genetic differentiation were in accordance with the subspecies status proposed for red lechwe, black lechwe, and Kafue lechwe on the basis of morphological characters.